Monday, November 22, 2010


Putting----It can be one of the most head wrecking ,frustrating parts in the great game of golf.All over the place there are articles and links,some to part with money,to get us one putting every green or change your putting forever with this.What a load of nonsense.It does not happen and it never will.
None of us will ever hit the ball with the distance and accuracy of the tour professionals but there is one aspect of the game where the ordinary amateur golfer can  match or even better the pro.----.Putting.
I, like everybody else,have no magic formula but what i am going to discuss and help with, is some of the many different things you can do to help you putt better and more consistently.We do after all, spend a lot of every round with the putter in hand so rightfully it should get its due attention.
I would just like to start by saying that your putter choice is purely personal,there are hundreds of different types out there Cheap,expensive,long or short,it all depends if you like the look and the feel of it.You will be using it more than any club in the bag so you need to be comfortable with your choice.You want it to be your best friend.
There is no sense to it but there are some shocking putters around,some people can hardly take the putter away from the ball and push it forward ,then you see others make a big back stroke and then decelarate on impact .I'm sure you have seen all the different bad methods people use in your own golf club.
You do not have to get bogged down with the perfect stance and posture and all these things.You need to be comfortable and natural and forget about if your stance is too wide,or are my hands forward enough.
The one and only way to successful and consistent putting is to instill a repetitive smooth putting stroke.Doesn't sound too complicated ,and it isn't.This,plain and simply just needs to be practiced until it feels natural and second nature to you.If you develop a nice smooth putting stroke you will have find it a hundred times easier to read greens and get the pace of them which mainly stems from not being afraid of your stroke.

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